woman working with laptop on couch
Glenn Felson
Glenn is the Senior Vice President of Sales, CRE, at Genea. He has worked in real estate technology for over 20 years, holding executive leadership roles at startups and Fortune 500 companies. Most recently, Glenn was the Managing Director of National Portfolio Sales at Kastle Systems. He is also the founder of PropTech Future, a leading industry newsletter.

If you manage an office (or many offices) for a company, you’re juggling a wide variety of responsibilities every day. One of those responsibilities is making sure the working environment is comfortable and safe for your employees, especially when they’re working outside of normal business hours. On-Demand HVAC in offices helps managers and their teams.

If an employee or team needs to stay late or work on a project over the weekend, they’ll likely need HVAC during hours where that’s normally not provided. For many facility and office managers, managing this can be a logistical headache. 

Since most companies rent space, rather than own their facilities outright, they’re working with a property management team for things like HVAC. They may need to jump through hoops to get that overtime air. Genea On-Demand HVAC helps teams avoid giving advanced notice, filling out forms, and having little control over reviewing, cancelling, or modifying requests.  

This is why having On-Demand HVAC software in place is becoming so crucial for facility and office managers. Here are a few of the main reasons companies are starting to demand the implementation of this software in their locations. 

1. Tenant Software is Easy

With everything that’s already on your plate, any process that takes up more time than it should is frustrating. On-Demand HVAC tenant software allows you to submit, review, modify, and cancel after hours air requests through a mobile interface. You can even provide the software to your employees, so they can submit specific requests themselves (while still allowing you the oversight to review billable requests). 

2. Manage Costs with On-Demand HVAC

On-Demand HVAC gets billed back to you. Therefore, teams want to know exactly who made the request, when it occurred and why. On-Demand HVAC software allows your employees to include notes with each request, so you can attribute the cost of that HVAC to the appropriate department, case, or project. You can also ensure that requests are only getting submitted when the air is truly needed, instead of employees requesting air “just in case,” due to the manual nature of previous request processes. 

3. You Can Control Access

On-Demand HVAC software allows you to give request access to the appropriate members of the team. The managing partner can request air whenever they need it, but the interns may only be able to request air during free hours. You also receive an email alert every time a request is submitted, allowing you to monitor and manage requests according to company policy. This democratizes access to On-Demand HVAC, without you losing control of the requests. 

4. Tenant Software Gives You Confidence

Manual On-Demand HVAC processes are a black box. On-Demand HVAC software provides an easy way to see requests, who made those requests, and the cost. Additionally, give yourself the confidence of accurate billing.   

5. It Creates a Standard

If you have multiple offices in different buildings to manage, On-Demand HVAC becomes a nightmare. That’s why many companies are using On-Demand HVAC software to standardize their processes for all of their locations. This allows them extend the benefits of On-Demand HVAC software across their entire operations, creating a level of consistency and transparency that’s otherwise impossible to attain.  

On-Demand HVAC software is one of the practical technology solutions that’s making big waves in facility and property management. Request a demo to see Genea On-Demand HVAC in action.