A modern glass office building with large, rhombus-shaped windows reflecting the sky. The interior is visible, showing rows of illuminated desks and chairs. The scene conveys a sleek and open workspace environment, ideal for effective video management solutions.
Krishna Chawla
Krishna is the Lead Product Manager at Genea. Prior to joining the company, she cultivated an extensive background in artificial intelligence and machine learning at a global healthcare enterprise and spent time as Director of Product at Assurant, Inc. She currently spearheads all project management for Genea by collaborating with engineering teams and customers.
Have you dreamt of combining multiple security solutions into one dashboard? Now you can.  

Genea Security has partnered with Rhombus Systems to bring security teams a streamlined way of monitoring their workplace(s). The powerful integration allows teams to view security footage within the Access Control dashboard, eliminating the need to log in and navigate across multiple systems. This native video management integration goes a step further with other unique features.  

Benefits of Video Management + Access Control

The API integration between Rhombus’ video management and Genea Security improves the overall security experience. The integration helps IT and security teams improve the speed at which they respond to emergencies. Since video is transmitted directly to the Genea Security dashboard, teams can quickly react when an incident occurs.  

Some of the features include:  

  • Door Mapping- Link security cameras to door access events.  
  • Real-time Video Feeds- When an incident takes place, an alarm will trigger  
  • Facial Recognition- Rhombus identifies employees based on the credentials created in Access Control.  
  • Event Markers- Quickly scrub to an access event for review. 
  • Intuitive Video Player 

“This is an important integration with a well-respected provider,” said Product Director Matija Abicic. “Rhombus is a key emerging player in the security industry, and we’re looking forward to working with them.”  

Rhombus video Integration at work in the Genea Office.

How the API Integration Works 

Genea is a cloud-based system that runs on non-proprietary hardware. An added benefit of the cloud is its ability to quickly sync different security tools (unlike their on-premises counterparts). In the case of the Genea-Rhombus integration, two things are needed: Rhombus video management (security cameras, platform) and Genea Security (dashboard, door alarms). With this equipment, integrating is easy. Users only need to enter an API token (a string of numbers) to link the two systems. 

Mapping Doors with Rhombus Video Management 

The Genea-Rhombus integration gives users the ability to map door alarms to security video feeds. When a door event occurs, such as the door being forced open, video from the Rhombus video management system appears in the Genea Security platform. Users can quickly see what is happening and react in the case of an emergency.  

Access Control with Facial Recognition 

Whether streaming live or playing back recorded video footage, the Genea-Rhombus integration includes a facial recognition feature. This tool helps identify the people coming and going from a given workspace.  

For example, if an employee named Amanda enters the office, the system will identify her and tag her within the video player’s timeline. This feature gives security teams an easy reference point when skimming through footage. 

The Genea-Rhombus integration is particularly important when monitoring for anti-passback and tailgating scenarios. If Desmond attempts access by using Amanda’s key card, Rhombus’ facial recognition will note the discrepancy and alert the security team. 

The system also notes tailgating scenarios. If Amanda uses her key card, passes through the doorway, and holds the door open for Desmond, the system will raise an alert. 

“Genea takes tremendous pride in strengthening relationships with our customers and partners,” Abicic said. “Ultimately, integrating with an innovative technology such as Rhombus does just that.”   

Genea Security Connects Your System 

Did you know Rhombus is not Genea’s only video management integration? Genea is always adding additional integrations, giving IT and security teams the tools they need most. Unlike other access control providers, Genea does not charge extra fees for out-of-the-box integrations. Curious to learn more?

See how this powerful integration works in our upcoming webinar on March 3rd.